Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

August totals

My August totals are way down from July, mainly because the new coach has been working a lot on form (swimming and running) and also because one long ride this month was replaced with a mountain bike ride that I didn't do. I also cut Wednesday's run/bike workout short after falling while running with my bike (I don't know how it happened, but my bike went down and I went down on top of it -- ouch! And to make matters worse, it fell on it's right side and my gears got messed up again, but I was able to turn the screws with my fingernail -- my coach was very impressed and is now thinking about growing fingernails of his own!).

So here goes...

swim: 15,100 meters (this isn't too bad -- it was 18,900 last month, but I believe that was actually down from June. Still a fair amount of swimming, in any case)

bike: 223.9 km (way down from July, but July was an all-time record for me and it was more than double what I had ever done before. This is my second highest monthly total of all time and it was minus one long ride. Next month will be even lower because two long rides will be replaced with races -- just 20 km of riding each race)

run: 42.5 km (down from 59.9 km in July. Have I mentioned that I really don't like running all that much and even less so in the summer??)

I also have a record number of bruises on my legs this month! I added several more last night and the old ones haven't gone away yet, so my tri-suit won't be the only purple and black thing I'm wearing at Saturday's race!

Additional August achievements: I learned how to properly swim the butterfly, I learned how to do flip turns and I learned how to properly get on and off my bike. Unfortunately, I won't be using any of these newly learned skills in my race this weekend -- flip turns and fly aren't really necessary in the Mediterranean Sea and I still haven't gotten the hang of getting on and off my bike with cycling shoes (I learned with running shoes for better traction). Oh, and I also fixed my freestyle enough to take several seconds off of my 25 and 50 meter times, which I hope will translate to a minute or two off my 750 meter time. Overall, not a bad month, despite the lower totals.

September goals: Ummm... Run more???


Blogger Comm's said...

butterflys and flip turns. Holy Mackeral thats a lot to cram in a month.

Swims are my limiter just in training, actual swim events in a tri just frighten the heck out of me.. be positive, be positive, I am learning to love the swim.

4/9/05 22:02  

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