Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

That running thing...

What is it with me and running? How much of it is true difficulty and how much is just a mental block? The following two pictures are both of me running in the same race, taken within minutes of each other:

In this picture, I look terrible. Just to be fair, I think I was going around a cone on my way out to the second loop, but it looks more like I'm dancing than running! And don't let the smile fool you. If I'm smiling in a running picture, it's because I'm suffering. I was not enjoying myself.

I think this is how I usually look when I run. Bad.
Now on to the second picture...

Yup, that's really me. I'm running towards the finish line this time. It's hard to see my face, but I'm not smiling (a good sign). My foot is actually up in the air. My arms are moving. I appear to be in motion! I actually look like I'm running.

So what's up with this? Obviously, I do know how to run. Yeah, the angle of the picture is different, but I doubt I'd look too bad from the side in this one. So why can't I run like this all the time???


Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

You're going fine. I don't look half as good as you do in your "bad" picture. As long as your times are improving and you're not experiencing any pain (hamstring, ITB, knee, whatever) you're doing well.

6/10/05 17:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO, you have wide hips therefore going flat out would require you to wriggle a bit. A lot of women who would naturally (because of their build) swing their hips when they move don't do so because it's been trained out of them to reduce male attention. You're probably one of those. You're slim and fast though, so why worry about it? You've obviously compensated really well. Congrats.

7/10/05 03:15  

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