Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Up, up, up...

We did some climbing today, as you can see from the elevation graph:

And in case it's not clear from that graph how steep one or two of these climbs were, here's the grade/distance graph:

The track smoothing on this is 60 seconds, so where you see an 8% incline, that means we were doing 8% for at least 60 seconds. In fact, the hardest climb was almost 3 km long and I did much of it at a "speedy" 8 kph. We were supposed to do that climb six times, but I have an allergy to repeated climbs that don't take me anywhere (as in climb the hill, ride back down, climb again, ride back down again, etc.), so I only did it once.

After the ride, we were supposed to run 3 km. I almost ditched the run -- my stomach hurt (too much holiday food) and it was 10 a.m. and very hot outside. But then I remembered that I'd saved my last 3 km of the week for today and also that I'd wimped out on the repeated climbs, so I made a deal with myself -- I could do the 3 km on the treadmill instead of outside. The air-conditioning was wonderful -- I can't believe how easy those 3 km were to run, even after those hills on the bike.

And the best part? I ran three times this week. That may sound like nothing, but after battling shin splints all summer and running very sporadically, three times in one week is an achievement for me.


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