Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Good day, bad day

The week started out well. I swam 1500 meters on Sunday, including 1000 meters without a break and although my back hurt a bit, it wasn't too bad. On Monday, I ran a whole 3 km with no shin pain during or after (how's that for starting slowly?). On Tuesday, I swam 1600 meters and my back felt much better. Then, on Wednesday, things started to fall apart...

My back was bothering me so much on Wednesday that in the middle of the day, I started wondering how I was going to do the evening brick. Although my back doesn't generally hurt while riding my bike or while running, I was having trouble imagining the transitions -- getting from the hunched over cycling position to the upright running position. A couple that we're friendly with solved my problem when they invited us to go out with them that evening. I ditched the workout.

On Thursday, my back still hurt (and around 5 hours of sitting in my car driving to Jerusalem and then to the Tel Aviv area and then home didn't make things any better. I decided that instead of swimming, I'd do the workout I'd missed the previous night, but instead of doing it outside on my road bike in that hunched over position, I'd do it in the gym on the recumbent stationary bike and on the treadmill. When I got on the treadmill to do the running part of the warmup, my left shin started hurting right away. It wasn't too painful, though, so I kept running. I ran a grand total of 3.5 km (starting slowly...), but I did do some of that at a slightly faster than normal pace. The pain in my shin never got worse during the workout and when I got off the treadmill for the last time (I was switching back and forth between the treadmill and the bike), it was very mildly sore -- no big deal. In fact, I really enjoyed the run -- I don't remember when the last time was that I enjoyed running on the treadmill so much. I was even tempted to do more, but I was concerned about my shin, so I stopped.

Good thing I stopped. I woke up a few times during the night because of the pain in my back (kept rolling over onto my stomach, which makes it hurt) and when I got out of bed this morning and took my first step on my left foot, I immediately felt the pain in my shin. It's not terrible and I can walk without limping, but it's hurting again. Ugh. I hope the pain is short-lived and I suspect it will be, but I have no idea how to progress with my running now. I took a two week break before Monday's run and I was pain free for almost the entire time. It seems that no matter how long I rest and how long the pain has been gone for, it comes back immediately when I start running again.


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