Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Friday, May 26, 2006


No, not the flying kind -- the kind I get in my stomach before every single race. The kind that make me think, "Why am I doing this?" The kind that keep me up at night.

Tomorrow's race isn't even all that "important". It's the Women's Triathlon in Herzliya. This was one of my favorite races last year because I loved competing with no men. Don't get me wrong -- I don't mind competing with men. In fact, I generally like it (especially when I pass them!), but I enjoyed swimming without big, threatening bodies around me and I enjoyed seeing so many women out there.

This year's goal is to equal or better last year's result. That sounds easy enough, but it might not be -- last year's time was my best time ever for a sprint triathlon. I have another goal, too -- to enjoy myself. If it's not fun, then why do it?

So wish me luck -- I'm off to get my stuff ready.


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