Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Some pictures

The father of one of the kids on the team sent me a few pictures that he had of me on his computer from various races. Since I've already posted most of the good pictures in my race reports, I thought I'd just post this collection separately.

This first picture is over a year old. It's from the second triathlon I ever did, the Lehavim Triple Super Sprint. Notice that I'm about to get on my bike in running shoes. This is, of course, my old bike (the one I crashed seven months later). Notice the big, ugly helmet, too. I'm holding onto my bike with two hands, praying I won't drop it. I've since gotten a lot better at running with my bike and I generally use only one hand ;-) The guy behind me is my teammate, Nicky. This must have been the first round of the triple that started with a run, as that's the only way I could be in front of Nicky after a swim - he's a very fast swimmer (but I run and bike faster).

The next picture is from this year -- the Nitzana Duathlon. This is the bike dismount and there's a lot to be learned from this picture. I think I'd get moving a lot faster if my feet were pointing forwards. I need to work on that dismount. Notice the differences from the previous picture -- cycling shoes, different bike, more normal-looking helmet.

Picture number three is one of my favorites. I rarely have a good running picture, but apart from the fact that I am an obvious heel-striker, this picture almost makes me look like a runner. It's from the Palmahim Triathlon last month. I'm running towards the finish line. The woman standing behind me (with all the hair) smiling is Ruti -- we work together and her son is on the team. She and her daughter (standing next to her) really cheered me on into the finish line. It was great.

One more from Palmahim. Look at my left leg -- I'm actually picking up my foot! I don't think my coach saw me running towards the finish line -- he was a few hundred meters back. Too bad, as he's always telling me to pick up my feet. Maybe I should print this one and frame it for him.

The quality on this one isn't great, but I had to include it. This is me getting my first place trophy at Palmahim. It was the first time I ever actually beat someone in order to get first place (my other "first place" finishes have been first and last place). I've managed to beat out others to reach second and third place several times, but that first place spot ahead of other competitors had always eluded me until this race. I hope this was the start of a trend!


Blogger Vickie said...

Bari, great pictures. Always nice to put a face with a name. You're doing great. You can do that Oly distance.

15/5/06 18:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Pictures, Bari! You look great, like a real pro! Please explain to me about running shoes for biking, I don't quite understand. Are there special shoes for biking? I always wear running shoes for everything. Congratulations on your efforts.

15/5/06 18:29  
Blogger Ellie Hamilton said...

You do look great.

16/5/06 04:54  

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