Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Just another boring post

Since I have full control over comments on my blog, I guess I should just delete offensive ones like the ones I received to this post, but this was just so silly that I decided to leave it. I mean, if my blog is so boring, then why is Anonymous not only reading it, but coming back for more? And I'm pretty sure that I've never behaved in a repulsive manner towards anyone.

Anyway, since this is a triathlon blog, I'll post something tri related. I had a great ride today -- we rode to the beach and I managed to hang on to the back of the lead group for quite a while. This was the first time that's ever happened, so I was on cloud nine. After the ride, we did a short run and then went swimming. The sea was a bit rough and I just heard on the news that someone drowned in Ashkelon today (which is where we were). We managed to swim, though, and then spent the rest of the time just playing in the waves.

Sorry to bore you all to death. Now I'm going to go take my own advice and do something productive (like grade a few hundred matriculation exams).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I haven't responded in a while..As usual, I'm behind....I have a hard time keeping up with the lists...Still need to check your video...At track we got some exercises to help with form..If I get a email copy, I'll send them on.....Barbara

9/6/07 20:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh Bari... you're so full of crap...

And I'm pretty sure that I've never behaved in a repulsive manner towards anyone.


Gotta be funny all the time dont you?

9/6/07 21:15  
Blogger A Wild Celtic Rose said...

Anonymous is just jealous, and as I mentioned before, is obviously over compensating for smaller than average genitalia.

He probably can't stand to see someone that actually has a life.

I don't comment as much as I'd like, but I do read everthing you post.

9/6/07 21:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear A Wild Celtic Rose,

I guess you're right! I actually don't have a life... but at least I had the chance to say whats on my mind, and thats good enough for me.

9/6/07 22:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bari,you are an athlete in every way. Someday, I will swim, bike and run....all in the same day....just like you. You are truly a motivation to many people.

And the comment about you being behaving in a repulsive manner ----not you-----anonymous takes the credit for that.

Keep on tri-ing and keep on posting. Sounds like someone out there is jealous!......Daria (not THE anonymous poster) I don't have any blogging accounts

10/6/07 00:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like anonymous has a problem but I don't find your posts boring. After all, we were born on the same day so we must both be boring. If you are, then I am and I know I am not.

10/6/07 02:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bari,I'm so impressed with how far you've come over the last year or two. Keep up the great work! Kay

10/6/07 03:04  
Blogger Beth said...

Hi Bari,
Thanks for your posts - it is nice to read about your progress. Keep up the awesome blog!

Bbrown from the PR list

12/6/07 16:35  
Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

You repulsive, boring person - how dare you use your triathlon blog to tell us about biking and swimming and running??!!

Anonymous - you are a God of insight and articulation - NOT!

Bari - keep up the good work!
ps - I got here via Mal's blog

20/6/07 00:46  

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