Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The most disgusting swim practice ever

There was a party or something at the indoor pool last night, so they asked us to move our practice to the outdoor pool. The pool was closed, but the coach is a certified lifeguard and there was a second lifeguard available, as well, so they opened the outdoor pool just for us.

When I got to the pool, I saw the lifeguard with a net, trying to fish stuff out of the pool. The entire surface was covered in bugs and he wasn't having a lot of success getting them out. He suggested we notopen our mouths in the water. Yuck. And if that wasn't bad enough, there were swarms of ants on the pool deck. I put my stuff (fins, kickboard, etc.) on the deck and within seconds, they were covered in ants. Blech!

Despite the bugs and ants, I managed to finish the warm up. Just as I finished, the lifeguard came and asked if we could move up to the indoor pool. The party had finished and despite the fact that the gate was closed, some kids had seen the lights on at the outdoor pool and they had jumped right in. The lifeguard didn't feel like chasing people out of the pool and he wanted to turn off the lights. So weswitched pools.

We did the main set and as we were standing at the end of the pool getting further instructions from the coach (he wanted us to do stroke drills to cool down), the lifeguard came and told us that we had to get out of the pool. It was supposed to be open for another 20 minutes and they never kick us out, even when the pool closes (we're normally courteous enough to get out on our own without having to be asked), so we asked why we couldn't keep swimming. Turns out there was poop in the pool. God only knows how long we'd been swimming with poop in the pool (although the lifeguard insisted that it had only been there for ten minutes or less because he'd been walking around the pool checking it out and hadn't seen it when he'd made his last round ten minutes earlier). Needless to say, we got out of the pool very quickly.

Bugs, ants, poop... I think I'd rather swim with jellyfish. I should be careful about what I wish for, though -- our next swim is on Saturday at the beach and there are HUGE jellyfish here this year. Maybe I should take up tennis...


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