Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Training camp in Eilat -- part 1

I was going to wait until there were some pictures, but I decided to just post any pictures later on.  This report is in several parts -- I'll post the others later.  Enjoy!

Day 1 was actually very short.  We left home at around 2:30 and arrived in Eilat at around 6 p.m.  It was already dark and we had to get settled in our rooms and get the bikes off the bike cart before we could do anything.  And we had to be in the dining room for dinner by 7:30.  The plan was a one-hour run, but by the time we were organized, we didn't have that much time.  I was the last person to leave for the run (not because I was lazy or slow, but rather because I drove down with the guy who took the bike cart and I was responsible for watching it while he got the rooms worked out.  When the bus arrived, everyone got off and went up to get their rooms and I was still standing with the bike cart), but my coach waited for me and then insisted on running with me, despite my best efforts to convince him that that probably wasn't a good idea.  Whenever I run with someone faster than I am, even when they promise to run at my pace, I always find myself running too fast.  We didn't actually run very fast, but either I was very tired or a little bit dehydrated, because my average heartrate for our 5.1 km run was 162. 

After the run, we had dinner (in our running clothes -- yuck!), showered, and then had a lecture on vitamins or something (I was a bit too tired to listen).  Then I took a short walk with a friend and we were in bed by 11 (which was actually a bit late, since we had a 5 a.m. wakeup call the next morning...).

Days 2 and 3 will NOT be so short...


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