Tri-ing in the Holy Land

The ramblings of a struggling triathlete in Israel

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Location: Israel

I'm the mother of 3, a teacher and a couch potato turned triathlete.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Congratulations to the newest Ironmen

Our little town of about 5,000 now has four new Ironmen and a total of five Ironman finishers at Ironman Austria yesterday. Congratulations to Kobi, Itai, Ohad and Yuval on finishing the grueling 3800 meter swim, 180 km bike ride and 42.2 km run for the first time (and to Frenkel for finishing another Ironman). That makes a total of seven Ironman finishers (that I know of) living in this little place in the middle of the desert. Well, that plus the current Israeli youth champion, three kids who have participated in the European youth championships in the last two years, one who was at the world championships last year and a few other kids who have competed in a number of European races. If we count the number of triathletes here relative to the total population, we might be the triathlon giant of the world -- and the nearest body of open water is 55 kilometers away!


Blogger Mal James said...

I looked up the results for IA , very good , you must be proud of you guys . The guys from my team Endure had awesome reults

11/7/07 18:28  

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